Because enough is enough.

Obamadays Passed:
Pelosidays Passed: 730

Left: None

November 4, 2010
Forecasting the news, we'd say
Bamster will be denounced today. F#@k-You-Meter has moved past the point “Disapproved”. It is now at “F#@k all you say”. NOW IN PRINT:
Barack Obama is a Big-Eared Idiot and other undeniable life's truths Volume 1: The Failure's Log November 3, 2010
He has worked as a tireless drover,
and his herd ate it all, grain and stover. Now nothing is left for his friends from the left. Listen, Bamster: it's time to bend over.
The Israelites, so long as the vengeance
was not directed against their own people, viewed the defeat of wicked enemies, whether by themselves or others, as the justifiable recompenses of Yahweh. G. W. Trompf Payback: the logic of retribution in Melanesian religions (1994)
Chalk up another victory to the human spirit.
Planet of the Apes (1968) October 4, 2009
Europe seems to have gotten enough
of the endless Obamian guff. Bamster, here is a hint for the rest of your stint: you are dumb, so — you better be tough...
If a man is dumb, someone is going to get the best of him,
so why not you? If you don't, you're as dumb as he is. Arnold Rothstein quoted in The Big Bankroll: The Life and Times of Arnold Rothstein by Leo Katcher (1959) October 3, 2009
The entire Obamian Force
now blames it on Rio, of course, still unable to see what observed IOC: just an ass, braying loud and hoarse.
Where'er an ass is crown'd to fame,
both town and country bear the shame. German proverb in A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs by Henry George Bohn (1857) October 2, 2009
The ObamoOlympics? No more.
Both Obamas had taken the floor in a failed pas de deux, neither having a clue what the f#@k the Olympics are for...
...if one's tongue don't move in the steps of the day,
and thinks to please by its old graces, it is only an object of ridicule... Horace Walpole The letters of Horace Walpole (1840)
All the misfortunes of mankind,
all the dreadful disasters that fill the history books, the blunders of politicians and the faults of omission of great commanders, all this comes from not knowing how to dance. Molière Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670) October 1, 2009
Mrs. Bum (that's Michelle — don't twitch...)
in ObamoOlympical pitch spoke of her SACRIFICE (didn't think of it twice...). Please come up with a clue for this b#@ch.
If the First Family gets a female dog,
will she be the First B#@ch or will she have to settle for second place? Burt Prelutsky quoted in Townhall: Michelle Obama is a B#@ch, Get It? (2009)
... the usual fortune of complaints,...
to have excited more contempt than pity. Samuel Johnson The lives of the most eminent English poets (1805) |

Philip K. Dick
How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later, 1978
...The thing that irritates this White House the most and the way to really put them off stride is to laugh at them, to ridicule them, and to make fun of them.
Rush Limbaugh
April 3, 2009

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