Because enough is enough.

Obamadays Passed:
Pelosidays Passed: 730

Left: None

Download timers.zip file and extract it to your Web server's root folder. Add a Javascript link to the <HEAD> section of your HTML code:
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="obamafu.js">
</SCRIPT> Add an onload attribute to the <BODY> tag as shown below
<BODY onload="iniTimers()">
Add an HTML code below to the <BODY> section
<DIV id="counters">
<SPAN title="Time passed since noon, January 20th, 2009"> Obamadays Passed: <SPAN id="counter1"></SPAN> </SPAN> <SPAN title="Time passed since noon, January 3rd, 2009"> Pelosidays Passed: <SPAN id="counter3"></SPAN> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV id="counters"> <SPAN title="Time left until midnight, November 6, 2012"> Left: <SPAN id="counter2"></SPAN> </SPAN> <SPAN title="Time left until midnight, November 2, 2010"> Left: <SPAN id="counter4"></SPAN> </SPAN> </DIV> |

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